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  • Orafol
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  • Western Union
  • Thyssen Krupp
  • Dekra

Tilti Multilingual offers long-term support with newspaper proofreading and editing services. Are you a publisher that requires a reliable partner for regular newspaper publishing? Do you wish to outsource your language quality management? Complete the form above or contact us at [email protected] to request a proposal, and receive an answer within 1 hour!

Long-term support

Newspapers, by their very nature, require a constant production and, thus, constant proofreading. We are ready to provide such a support and establish a long-term cooperation, providing editing services for a number of articles and newspaper issues. No matter the length of your news cycle, Tilti Multilingual delivers the proofread articles with the frequency you need.

Style and consistency

The articles of your newspaper, no doubt, conform to a set of standards, and maintaining them is of great importance to you as a publisher. We share your values and pay a special attention to the consistency of the language used, its style, structure and the choice of words.

We also consider the fact that different articles may be written by different authors, some of whom may be freelancers or first-time-writers. Depending on your needs, we can either bring their style closer to that of the whole newspaper, let it roam free and be inconsistent, or anything in between.

Outsourcing and timing

Does your print schedule imply periods when no editing is needed, and keeping a dedicated proofreader is not viable? Or do you need an urgent editing for a sensational news piece and your staff is just not enough? We provide urgent text checking and corrections on both the long- and short-term basis. Impeccable language and speed – these are our top priorities.

Succesful Cooperations

Computer Science & Tech

Computer-Assisted Translation of XML Files

See references

Marketing & Sale

Localization of POS Material in Indesign

See references


Software Localization for an Online-Shop

See references


Translation and Desktop Publishing of Technical Drawings

See references