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English to Bosnian and Bosnian to English document translations of the highest quality — meeting your needs with our services. We guarantee:

  • Translators who are native speakers of the target language, whether it is English or Bosnian
  • ISO 9001 and ISO 17001 quality standard compliance
  • Localization expertise in your line of work (medicine, engineering, etc.)

Fill and submit the form above to receive a proposal for translating your document within an hour!
Contact us at [email protected] for any additional inquiries.

See below, what kind of changes to the text might be expected for translations from English to Bosnian or vice versa.

Translation differences

Translation from English to Bosnian or vice versa entails certain changes in the resulting text. These changes are caused by the inherent differences between the languages. The following things in your order might be affected:

  • The layout of the resulting text
  • Time it takes to translate
  • Translation complexity

Among other factors, these parameters can influence the final price as well. The layout factor is especially important to those, who are interested in our DTP (Desktop Publishing) services.

Translating a document between English and Bosnian — what to expect
Parameter To English To Bosnian Difference
Writing systemLatin (English alphabet)Latin (Gaj’s alphabet);
Cyrillic (Serbian alphabet);
Different writing systems: drastic difference
Text directionleft-to-rightleft-to-rightSame
Characters per word (average)67Minimal
Text length (characters)34% longer25% shorterNoticeable
Overall differenceNoteworthy

Text length and document layout

The main factors influencing the length and layout of the translated document are:

  • Writing system of the target language
  • Writing direction
  • Word length
  • Relative lengths of the texts

Writing system

Bosnian uses 2 scripts — Latin-based Gaj’s alphabet, and Cyrillic-based Serbian alphabet. Thus, the resulting formatting will be highly dependent on the script you need.

English, on the other hand, uses only one script, namely the English Latin alphabet.

Writing direction

Both languages are read left-to-right, meaning that there should be no significant changes to the layout in terms of the order of text elements.

Word length

Both languages have a similar average word length — 6 for English, and 7 for Bosnian. Thus, the word length should not affect the layout.

Text length

On average, documents translated to English are 34% longer than source texts in Bosnian. On the other hand, Bosnian texts are 25% shorter than their English counterparts. It means that some formatting differences are to be expected in the translated texts. Please note, that the actual visual length is also influenced by the font used.

Word order

Depending on your needs, the word order might be rather important for the translation. Things like slogans and brand names may convey an entirely different meaning, if their word order is changed.

Both English and Bosnian have the same standard sequence of words, meaning that no additional problems should be caused by it.

Dialects and varieties

English has 3 major varieties: US, UK, and Australian. It is essential for you to choose, which form or dialect to translate to. This is because each variety, from the point of view of the other types, can feel unnatural, misleading, or plainly inappropriate for the text.

If you are not sure, which form to choose for your document, the safe choice is the more widespread one, or the one understood by most speakers. For English, it is the US variety.

Translation complexity

Translation complexity is partially dependent on how closely the languages are related. The further apart the languages are, the more time and effort it takes to express an idea from one language in another one. As a consequence, it affects the price and time it takes to translate a document between English and Bosnian.

Both English and Bosnian belong to the Indo-European language family. The English language, however, represents the Germanic branch of the family, while Bosnian is a member of the Slavic branch. It is not as drastic of a difference as between members of distinct families, but the discrepancy still provides some challenge to the translator.

Succesful Cooperations

Computer Science & Tech

Computer-Assisted Translation of XML Files

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Marketing & Sale

Localization of POS Material in Indesign

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Software Localization for an Online-Shop

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Translation and Desktop Publishing of Technical Drawings

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